Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Salut aux fervents de soccer de table subbuteo québécois! La Ligue de Subbuteo du Québec, qui est basée à Montréal, recherche toujours de nouveaux joueurs. La ligue est en suspens, faute de joueurs, mais espère que de nouveaux joueurs qui en ont entendu parler voudront participer à des petits tournois. La LSQ a une riche histoire, ayant débuté en septembre 1982. Des archives peuvent être vus sur les nouvelles pages web à: http://quebecsubbuteo.webs.com/ et il y a une adresse courriel pour me rejoindre! Merci, et au plaisir de vous voir sur les terrains!

Hello to Subbuteo table soccer fans of Quebec! The Quebec Subbuteo League, based in Montreal is always looking for new players. League activities have been halted, but there is hope that new players who have heard of this great game will come and play in small events. The QSL has a rich history, as it started in september of 1982. Season archives can be seen at the new webpages at: http://quebecsubbuteo.webs.com/ and there is an e-mail address to reach me!Thank you, and I'll see you around the playing boards!

Pierre Chastenais

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Canadian players in the world rankings

In the world rankings of August, mark Meihuizen is still the best canadian player. He's 179th with 100,80 points. Then come Warren creighton (326th), Brian robinson (452nd) and Terry berting (513rd). There are 21 canadian players in the open rankings and number are expected to go down if there is no FISTF tournament organized this season.